Quantum Key West Race Week kicks off this morning at 11:30 a.m., and Bella Mente Racing, led by owner/driver Hap Fauth, will race its Maxi 72 namesake against three other strong competitors in the Maxi 72 Class.
“Bella Mente has had a solid training session,” said Tactician Terry Hutchinson. “Unfortunately we were only able to practice for two of the four days because of high winds, but regardless we are excited to get going. Key West is a long event and we know that the first part is surviving. It is important to get to Thursday and Friday with an opportunity to win. In our training on Saturday, it was just awesome to have three of the four Maxi 72s racing the short course. It is impressive to see the closeness of the fleet.”
Click here to read Sailing World’s “Quantum Key West Race Week: The Hutch Files” by Terry Hutchinson